About Us
About The CompanyBalajcza
We Create Opportunities for Candidates & Businesses
The linguistic company BALAJCZA Linguistic Services, with its headquarters in Warsaw, has had a market presence since 2010.
Our products and services are addressed to corporations, large and medium-sized companies, and law firms. We specialize in translations that require expertise and a professional approach, particularly in the field of finance, law and technology and sworn translations.
We work with a group of over 1500 translators, each with an average of 10 years of relevant experience. They are selected on the basis of their work quality, reliability and punctual deliveries.
Despite adhering to traditional values, we are willing to innovate and use new technologies that help us to respond better and even faster to the needs of our clients.
Attractive discounts are available to our regular clients as well as those who need a little persuasion to try us for the first time.

Our team
Team of BALAJCZA Linguistic Services

- 25 translators in-house.
- 1500 translators and interpreters all around the World, including:
- 300 translators native,
- 400 certified translators,
- 150 verificators.
- 70 teachers, including:
- 40 native teachers.

Mission and Vision
Our mission is to support the business of our clients by providing them with professional and quality translations.
BALAJCZA Linguistic Services Vision:
- a reliable company that provides comprehensive linguistic solutions (translations, interpreting, language courses),
- to be a recognizable brand on the translations market by providing the highest level of services,
- a company that facilitates interaction between people and their access to knowledge and information,
- a company that helps people communicate despite language barriers,
- a company that builds long-lasting, trusting relationships with its clients,
- we want our clients to experience our personal approach.
Our values
We act in accordance with our values. These are:
- top quality language solutions
Our translations are of the highest quality. This is primarily achieved through the experience, expert knowledge and professionalism of our translators and interpreters.
- professional customer service
It is our goal, for our clients to feel secure in the knowledge that their translations are in good hands. That their needs will be looked after.
- fairness and commitment
We will deal with your orders efficiently. All your questions are answered promptly and orders processed as quickly as possible. We will be glad to accommodate your needs and requirements. Attractive discounts are available to loyal clients.
- social responsibility
Guided by the principle, that one should not only take but also give in life, we support a number of charities.
Memberships in Commercial Chambers
Organizations and associations which BALAJCZA Linguistic Services is a member of:
- French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Poland
- Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce in Poland
- Netherlands-Polish Chamber of Commerce in Poland
- Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Poland
- Polish-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce
- FINEXA Association of CFO’s
Our business partners:
MediaMobil comprises a well oiled team of experienced, ambitious and creative experts within the scope of out of home (outdoor) visual advertising as well as all its mobile forms.
Vital Voices Poland (Fundacja Głosy Kobiet)
Vital Voices Poland is the Polish arm of Vital Voices Global Partnership, established in 1997 by Hillary Clinton and Madeleine Albright. The mission of the organisation is to invest in women with leadership potential in Europe and Asia.
PWnet Association
The PWnet Association aims to bring together professionally active women, support women’s professional and personal development and establish a platform for the exchange of views, experiences, interests and contacts as well as to promote an image of an entrepreneurial female.
Professional online surveys.
EPWN – European Professional Women’s Network
PWN Global is a dynamic fast-growing offline and online networking and leadership development platform for professional women of all sectors and industries. With over 3,500 members and more than 90 nationalities, this volunteer-led organisation delivers over 600 events a year in a community of 24 city networks.

BALAJCZA Linguistic Services
Quality in translations.
Responsibility in business.
BALAJCZA Linguistic Services
ul. Kotylion 1
02-860 Warszawa
Contact Us
+48 22 643 47 94
+48 22 643 47 98
+48 22 643 47 93
The company BALAJCZA sp.z o.o. implements a project co-financed from European Funds and is a beneficiary of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, priority axis III "Support for innovation in enterprises", Measure 3.3 Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises ", Sub-measure 3.3.1" Polish Technological Bridges ".