Conferences and meetings
The Translation ExpertsBalajcza
Conferences and meetings
Organization of conferences
The contemporary world of conferences and congresses is seeing a rapid development of translation techniques. As part of our services aimed at conferences and business meetings we are trying to stay abreast of all the most up to date trends. We ensure a professional, quality service at the highest level, with standard industry equipment as well as state of the art conference market equipment at our disposal.

Our services include:
Hire and technical operation of specialist simultaneous interpreting equipment, comprising one or a number of interpreter booths, headphone sets and a communication system. The equipment which we use employs wireless infra-red audio transmission. It is fully digital and not affected by interference from lighting installations guaranteeing a listening experience of the highest quality.
Nevertheless, specialist equipment is only part of what you need to achieve success. The central role during simultaneous translations, business and press conferences as well as other industry events is played by the interpreter. Their professionalism, experience and knowledge as well as the manner for conveying it profoundly impact how the event is perceived by its participants. And here we undoubtedly work with the best. They are even able to interpret a boring lecture into something which is music to the ears of the listeners. And that is a rare quality.
Through the conference and business meeting services we provide our clients with far reaching experience, knowledge and tools which make it possible to expand their operations onto new markets. We eliminate language barriers from international trade and commerce. Excellent market knowledge and experience mean that we are able to organise even the most unique and unusual conference.

BALAJCZA Linguistic Services
Quality in translations.
Responsibility in business.
BALAJCZA Linguistic Services
ul. Kotylion 1
02-860 Warszawa
Contact Us
+48 22 643 47 94
+48 22 643 47 98
+48 22 643 47 93
The company BALAJCZA sp.z o.o. implements a project co-financed from European Funds and is a beneficiary of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, priority axis III "Support for innovation in enterprises", Measure 3.3 Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises ", Sub-measure 3.3.1" Polish Technological Bridges ".