Language courses
The Translation ExpertsBalajcza
Language courses
In meeting the ever growing expectations of its customers head on, BALAJCZA Linguistic Services offers professionally run English courses and training sessions* covering general, business and specialist language skills. Our professional training sessions are turning heads amongst all our customers, both private individuals as well as institutions and corporations. All individual courses are structured in accordance with our clients’ requirements and may be run at your company, office or home.

Business English / Français des Affaires
Business English training and courses aim to:
This course takes a comprehensive approach to language tuition.
development of practical skills such as giving presentations, holding talks and negotiations, working with foreign clients.
Business English course is tailored to the client’s individual needs and aims at a rapid expansion of relevant vocabulary based on conversations. We emphasise fluency and pronunciation. We use practical, real life language.
Specialist English / Specialist French
BALAJCZA runs specialist language courses, tailored to the client’s individual needs in fields including business, law, IT, marketing, medicine and many other subject areas. We not only emphasise the use of common phrases, collocations and terminology in the selected subject area. We also teach how to structure language in a way typical for the given field. Additionally, we also understand that it is essential to further consolidate and develop the skills needed to use general language, constituting the basis for every specialist branch.

Regular English / Regular French
BALAJCZA ‘s Regular English / Regular French courses adopt a very broad approach to English and French tuition. We teach grammar and vocabulary, writing skills and pronunciation. We converse. The teaching programme is tailored to the needs of our clients. We have courses at every language level.
Corporate clients can take advantage of courses made to measure to fit around the character and scope of responsibilities handled by various work posts at the company. We aim to transfer to our clients the knowledge and skills needed to operate in the given branch.
The professionalism of our courses is further evident in the fact that we provide our clients with all the necessary materials. The teacher selects the materials in accordance with the course participants’ requirements. BALAJCZA language teachers are available 5 days a week between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. The client determines the exact hour and day of each lesson.
BALAJCZA issues VAT invoices for the services in question (foreign language tuition is VAT exempt). That is how we settle financial issues with all our Customers.

BALAJCZA Linguistic Services
Quality in translations.
Responsibility in business.
BALAJCZA Linguistic Services
ul. Kotylion 1
02-860 Warszawa
Contact Us
+48 22 643 47 94
+48 22 643 47 98
+48 22 643 47 93
The company BALAJCZA sp.z o.o. implements a project co-financed from European Funds and is a beneficiary of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, priority axis III "Support for innovation in enterprises", Measure 3.3 Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises ", Sub-measure 3.3.1" Polish Technological Bridges ".