Translation Services
The Translation ExpertsBalajcza
Translations and Interpreting
The linguistic company BALAJCZA Linguistic Services provides language solutions in all language combinations and in such specialized areas as finance, law, engineering, medicine and pharmacy, computer science, automation, construction, energy and manufacturing, marketing and documents concerning the European Union.
Our range of products and services includes translations, interpreting and sworn translations.
Written translations
When it comes to translations, you have several options to choose from:
Specialised option
This option applies to texts, the understanding and translation of which require professional knowledge. These are always assigned to a translator specialising in the given filed. The types of specialised translations we most often deal with include:
- financial and banking
- legal
- patents
- economic
- commercial
- business
- technical
- medical and pharmaceutical
- IT
- marketing and PR
- EU documents
- web pages (www)
If the specialised option is selected, our translator, while translating the text, takes into account the client’s recommendations. The translator also performs a self-proofread of the translation.
Specialized PLUS option
Under this option, the translation that requires professional knowledge in a given subject is performed with the additional proofread by a second translator specialist.
Sworn translations
These type of translations apply to official documents: identity cards, deeds, legal documents, diplomas, copies of registers, etc. Sworn translations are delivered in writing and certified with an official stamp and the translator’s signature, confirming that the translation reflects the source document (authentication). Sworn translations are prepared at the request of public offices, courts, and also for the needs of public procurements.
Sworn translation, or certified translation is a type of translation performed by a sworn translator. A sworn translator is a type of translator who received their translation rights from the Ministry of Justice and is registered as such. To become a Sworn Translator there is a requirement to sit a special examination put together and run by the Ministry of Justice. In Poland, a sworn translator can provide services according to the Act on the Profession of Sworn Translator. This Act entered into force on 27th January 2005. Sworn translations are usually required by state offices, courts, police, prosecutor’s offices and organisations running tender processes.
Proofreading and verification of a third party translation
This is an extra service, which BALAJCZA offers its Clients within the scope of its translation services.
BALAJCZA Specialized Translations provides the following types of interpreting services:
- simultaneous interpreting
Interpreting of this kind is performed on an ongoing basis over the speech of the speaker. There are a number of options:
- interpreting in a cabin – always conducted by two interpreters in a soundproof booth and using equipment for sound transmission; it requires the cooperation of two interpreters, changing at half-hour intervals; it is most often used during international conferences, congresses, etc.
- whispered interpreting – French origin “chuchotage”: the interpreter translates simultaneously in a low voice the speech of the speaker for a small group of (usually two- or three-) listeners
- consecutive interpreting
Here the interpreter starts interpreting once the speaker has finished a part of their speech. Most often this service is used during official speeches, conferences, business talks and business meetings. If carried out at a state office or in a court, the services of a sworn translator may be required.
- by telephone – the interpreter works on the phone at the client’s site or through the use of modern telecommunication technologies that allow the juxtaposition of a conversation between three telephone lines at the same time. The interpreter can talk on the phone with the client and at the same time with the person speaking in a foreign language: all three people can hear each other.
- during a client’s trip – an interpreter accompanies our client during their entire trip (travel and stay) in Poland, but also abroad
- while recording audio / video – the work of our interpreters can be recorded on audio or video
- film dubbing- a translator prepares the text for the dubbing of a film
Sworn translations
BALAJCZA’s clients most often order the following sworn (certified) translations:
Vehicle documentation,
documentation related to running a business: invoices, Tax ID, VAT UE, National Business Register Number, register entries, NCR extracts, etc.,
birth, death and marriage certificates,
legal documentations: notarial deeds of property sale/purchase, employment contracts, trade agreements, court rulings and provisions, powers of attorney,
other official documentation: school reports, diplomas, scholarships, certificates, official letters.
Sworn translation, or certified translation is a type of translation performed by a sworn translator. A sworn translator is a type of translator who received their translation rights from the Ministry of Justice and is registered as such. To become a Sworn Translator there is a requirement to sit a special examination put together and run by the Ministry of Justice. In Poland, a sworn translator can perform sworn translations according to the Act on the Profession of Sworn Translator. This Act entered into force on 27th January 2005. Sworn translations are usually required by state offices, courts, police, prosecutor’s offices and organisations running tender processes.
At BALAJCZA the basic charge for sworn and normal translations is calculated using the number of standard pages, whereas one standard page of a sworn translation amounts to 1125 characters with spaces. This number has been established by the Ministry and applies to all sworn translations carried out in Poland, irrespective of the subject and the language used in the documentation. The translator’s compensation for a sworn translation is also ruled by the Justice Minister’s order. The charge applied for sworn translations is usually higher than for normal translations due to their specific character, as described above.

Languages supported by us
We present you with a broad range of language solutions in different language combinations. We translate from foreign language into Polish, from Polish into foreign language as well as from a foreign into a foreign language. The language solutions provided by our agency are carried out by translators specializing in a given field.
The bulk of our translations oscillate around: Polish, English, French, German, Spanish and Russian.
Below is a short list of our working languages.
Language group I
Language group II
Language group III
other European languages
Language group IV
all non-European languages
Please contact us by phone or by email in order to choose the best solution for You.
Our Specializations
Our experience shows that global companies need specialized translation services, if for no other purpose, then to report to controlling organizations on different markets. Both public and private companies performing international operations are looking for highly specialized translation services to support their business processes worldwide. They also use translation services in order to satisfy local administrative requirements.
Financial translations
The financial language and terminology may vary from country to country. All financial documents, such as reports and statements require due attention and experience, in order to ensure the accuracy of the translation.
We know how important is the quality of financial translations.
Our financial translators have a background as economists and/or accountants. They have extensive experience in the use of the specialized terminology in the financial sector and they understand the specific rules of formatting, numbering, terminology of the financial language in which they translate.
We have extensive experience in translating all kinds of financial documents, including:
periodical reports
annual reports
opinions of auditors
income statements
business plans
documents of compliance
reports of cash flow
government tax reports
reports from the board meetings
- guidelines for financial reports
- documents related to insurance
- investor’s reports
- legal agreements
- PR and marketing documents
- mergers and acquisitions
- financial statements
- finanacial presentations
- private and public donations
- agreements between shareholders
Legal translations
BALAJCZA Specialized Translations specializes in legal translations. It is a well-known fact that legal translations are among the toughest and most time-consuming translations. This is the reason why at BALAJCZA, such translations are done by translators who fully understand this field and possess extensive experience in these types of translations. In addition to the high degree of specialization, legal translations are also characterized by a high level of responsibility.
The most popular types of legal documents which we deal with on a regular basis include:
- contracts
- acts
- legal opinions
- rulings
- judicial decisions
- powers of attorney
- authorizations
- tender documents
Technical translations
BALAJCZA Specialized Translations specializes in the translation of patents, rights protection for utility models, trademarks and industrial property.
BALAJCZA has a solid foundation in technical and legal translations of patent specifications of varying difficulty. In this field BALAJCZA works with many patent law firms in Poland.
Most translations of patents performed by our translators relate to:
- technology
- electronics
- architecture
- metallurgy
- mining
- mechanical engineering
- medicine
- biology
- chemistry
- pharmacology
- environmental protection
- mechanical engineering
- cosmetology
The translators we cooperate with have far reaching experience in the profession and many of them actually specialise in the translation of patents. We work with over 1500 translators, each with an average of 10 years of experience, so we are able to choose the right translator from this pool to match the specific need of a client. Translators undertaking patent translations into Polish are always experienced linguists, with a long practice in translations of patent documentation. Our translators work on patent documents in Polish, English, French and German.
It is a well-known fact that in the translation of patents not only the accuracy of the translation is important but also the selection of the appropriate terminology and style. To ensure that the final language of the translation reflects national and international standards, under the specialised PLUS option our translations are carried out by qualified professional translators and are then subject to an independent and thorough proofreading by a second professional translator.
Marketing translations
Marketing translations require both an in-depth understanding of the source text and familiarity with the culture of the target language. Marketing texts are governed by their own laws, structurally complex, often employ regional jargon. Here, the essence lies in conveying the idea of an advertising message in the cultural reality of a given country so as to improve customer awareness of a given company.
Our translators have vast experience in working with marketing and public relations texts: from brochures and mailing campaign texts, to press releases, client success stories and company profiles. We adapt the style and register to the clients’ preferences.
Marketing texts require more than just textbook knowledge of the industry – here creativity and intuition on the part of the translator are needed. Marketing texts, bearing all their messages, require a certain lightness, uniqueness and originality.
A short list of our most common translation services for the marketing industry:
- brochures, pamphlets
- web-site content
- client success stories
- “literal” translation – for further editing
- intuitive advertising messages (local knowledge required)
- marketing books and articles
- voice-overs
- subtitles
- press releases

BALAJCZA Linguistic Services
Quality in translations.
Responsibility in business.
BALAJCZA Linguistic Services
ul. Kotylion 1
02-860 Warszawa
Contact Us
+48 22 643 47 94
+48 22 643 47 98
+48 22 643 47 93
The company BALAJCZA sp.z o.o. implements a project co-financed from European Funds and is a beneficiary of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, priority axis III "Support for innovation in enterprises", Measure 3.3 Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises ", Sub-measure 3.3.1" Polish Technological Bridges ".