We support
The Translation ExpertsBalajcza
We support
The linguistic company BALAJCZA Linguistic Services is a socially responsible company. We support various charity organizations, their list can be found below. In a special way we are connected with the foundation Panda of the Warsaw Zoo Panda, where the care of two kangaroos: Leila and Lilla.
See the „Honorary Act of animal adoption” >>>

Panda Foundation at the Warsaw Zoo
BALAJCZA supports the Panda Foundation at the Warsaw Zoo. We contribute every month to the maintenance of two Walabia Benetta Kangaroos, Leili and Lilli which we’ve adopted. Their photographs are available on our website and social websites. However, a trip to the zoo in person to see these two magnificent specimens is undoubtedly worthwhile!
The PANDA Foundation acts for the development of Warsaw’s zoo. It runs a Honorary Animal Adoption scheme, Eco Information Centre and a souvenir shop. PANDA, a quarterly publication is also available, which keeps track of endangered species.
Bátor Tábor Foundation
The Bátor Tábor Foundation and BALAJCZA are long term partners. We support this organisation through popularising its idea amongst business partners and by inviting its representatives to our events, such as “Breakfast with BALAJCZA” or networking meetings. Foundation information featured on our Facebook site and Fanletter.
The Bátor Tábor camp dates back to 2001, established with children with cancer, diabetes, JRA or haemophilia in mind. Complex therapeutic recreation programs are available and the Foundation runs free summer camps for children.
VITAL VOICES (Fundacja Głosy Kobiet)
In 2013 and 2014, BALAJCZA Specialized Translations contributed financially to the Foundation’s annual event, the so called Global Mentoring Walk.
Vital Voices Poland is the Polish arm of Vital Voices Global Partnership, established in 1997 by Hillary Clinton and Madeleine Albright. The mission of the organisation is to invest in women with leadership potential in Europe and Asia. In 2010, Timea Balajcza participated in the first prestigious Polish mentoring programme for women. She is now a mentor at the organisation, sharing her knowledge and experience with other women.
Entraide Foundation
Thus far, we have supported the ENTRAIDE Foundation on one occasion, translating documents for the Orlen Warsaw Marathon free of charge. In return, Foundation t-shirts show our logo. Information on its activity was featured on the BALAJCZA website, in our Fanletter as well as Facebook and LinkedIn profiles. If required, we are ready to support the Foundation in the long-term.
ENTRAIDE is a public benefit institution run by volunteers from French speaking countries living in Poland as well as Poles who speak French. ENTRAIDE organises social actions aiming to help those in difficult situations.
Freeling Foundation
Cooperation with the FreeLING Foundation is still at an early stage. We will be discussing the scope and format of our support at a meeting for translators on 30th of May in Warsaw. Foundation information featured in our Fanletter, Facebook page, website and LinkedIn.
The FreeLING Foundation is a non-profit organisation set up to expand translator training opportunities. This goal is primarily pursued through workshops, presentations and lectures. In a wider perspective, the FreeLING Foundation is involved in educational and cultural language related activities.
“Agencja impresaryjno-artystyczna KLAPS-ART”
BALAJCZA has been working with “Agencja Impresaryjno-Artystyczna Klaps-Art” for five years. We co-fund exhibitions organised by the Agency for children in hospitals.
The Agency, established at the turn of the century, offers a wide choice of events for children: educational, nature inspired, therapeutic workshops and theatre shows.
Wydawnictwo AMUN
Wydawnictwo AMUN is also BALAJCZA’s long term partner. AMUN is our main supplier of festive cards.
Wydawnictwo AMUN Sp. z o.o. was established in 1993 in Raciborz It is one of 46 branches operating across the world, engaged with the publication of reproductions of works created by artists working with their mouth or foot.
Association for the Support of Disabled Children and their Families “Our Children’s Harbour” (Przystań Naszych Dzieci)
BALAJCZA is a permanent partner of the Association for the Support of Disabled Children and their Families “Our Children’s Harbour”. Information on its activities featured on our website, Facebook page and LinkedIn group.
The Association for the Support of Disabled Children and their Families “Our Children’s Harbour” was established upon the initiative by parents of children cerebral palsy. The mission of the association is to assure that all disabled children and their families function smoothly and comfortably in everyday life
Dandy-Walker syndrome foundation
We financially support the Dandy-Walker syndrome foundation as part of ongoing cooperation. Foundation information featured in our Fanletter, Facebook page, website and LinkedIn.
Dandy-Walker syndrome foundation has been supporting sufferers and their families since 2007. The foundation also aims to further education and information services, to increase social awareness of the Dandy-Walker syndrome.
Fundacja Odyssey of the Mind Polska
On a single occasion, BALAJCZA contributed financially to children from a school in Poznań attending a competition abroad.
The Odyssey of the Mind Polska Foundation is the exclusive partner of the international Odyssey of the Mind® programme licensed to operate in Poland. It promotes modern views on education, effectively responsive to the need to develop passions, skills and key abilities required in the 21st century in young people.
Zespół Szkół Specjalnych nr 86 w Szpitalu Dziecięcym im. Prof.Jana Boganowicza
BALAJCZA supported Zespół Szkół Specjalnych No. 86 at Prof.Jan Boganowicz Children’s Hospital by a one-off contribution to finance books and school essentials at the start of a school year.
Zespół Szkół Specjalnych No. 86 comprises Primary School No. 282 and High School No. 99. Annually, the team is involved with the education of approx. 3000 children between 6 and 15 years old at surgery, ophthalmology, laryngology, neurology, neurosurgery, allergology and paediatric wards. Its educational services are available to all – from preschool to high school.

BALAJCZA Linguistic Services
Quality in translations.
Responsibility in business.
BALAJCZA Linguistic Services
ul. Kotylion 1
02-860 Warszawa
Contact Us
+48 22 643 47 94
+48 22 643 47 98
+48 22 643 47 93
The company BALAJCZA sp.z o.o. implements a project co-financed from European Funds and is a beneficiary of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, priority axis III "Support for innovation in enterprises", Measure 3.3 Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises ", Sub-measure 3.3.1" Polish Technological Bridges ".